I know, I know, I feel like I've been beating a dead horse in all this evolution and what-not posting lately but there's been a lot of fascinating stuff out there due to Darwin Day and I'm not going to hold off for the sake of appearing like I'm not beating up on someone. I don't have the chops to beat up on anyone in this particular fight and, if you check out the post that I link to, it'll be fairly clear that the evolutionists don't need my help.
The link is to a post detailing an exchange between a representative of the Discovery Institute (Disco!) and a member of the biology department of the University of Vermont. UV is the school where Ben Stein withdrew as the commencement speaker after much protesting, mainly due to Stein's roles as writer and actor in the movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. On the heels of that, Disco wanted to do up a creation v. evolution debate and Prof. Gotelli wasn't having any of it. Though the Disco invite was relatively polite, it apparently came on the heels of some serious dissing of Prof. Gotelli through the Disco PR machine, so the professor was none to gentle in his response, How to Respond to Requests to Debate Creationists:
oh come on. debating is fun. that's the other thing we girls do at slumber parties.
Posted by: Robin | February 18, 2009 at 11:20 PM