I've added this page as a place where I can post some long form pieces I've written, some from the distant past, others from not so long ago and eventually some contemporary things as well.
The first document is a paper I wrote during law school about the effect of socialization on gender roles and how that plays into some systemic disadvantages that women have in the legal system, particularly in regards to rape and sexual assault. Because it's a law school paper, pretty much every line had to be footnoted and so it's actually a pretty good source for bibliographic material as of 2003, though I haven't updated any of the notes. I think the over-wrought foot-noting does make it clunky at times but I still find the subject matter interesting (despite the title!):
Legal Disadvantages Created by Women's Socialized Gender Roles and Prevention-Based Remedies: Download Readable Version .
It seems like the version that I converted to PDF has a bunch of highlights in the endnotes for no apparent reason, so I apologize if that offends.
Flat Stanley in Austin, Texas (pdf)
Download Flat Stanley in Austin.small